Mum hope you approve but we putting this memorial in a remembrance garden - we choose water garden - lilly pond - we all thought that would be appropriate.
Till we meet again - we all love you
7th November 2021
Thanks to all the family and friends who have offered support, love and hugs to us during difficult times.
Thanks to all the generous donations made to British Lung Foundation.
Thanks also to those that donated on the funeral day - Lisa and family £15, Linda £10, Ruth £10 and Michael and Brenda £20.
Thanks for being my wife, our mum, our friend Hilda (mum) - so many memories.
7th November 2021
Mum it is time to say goodbye for now - until we meet again, and time for us to start healing. Mum there is so much love. I know you will always be with us, looking after us, supporting us and loving us. You will always be in our hearts and by our sides. Later we will have a lovely cup of tea and something to eat and share a memory or two, in celebration of you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1st October 2021