Noreen's reflection from the funeral service

Created by Nadine 2 years ago
Noreen remembers some special memories from her childhood, of times with her mum.  She told me a story about lettuce.  Noreen says that she loved lettuce as a child (still does). As children with others in the neighbourhood a lot of time was spent at the beach.  Mum would join later bringing a picnic and a Tupperware bowl full of lettuce.  The lettuce was especially for Noreen and sweetened with a spoon or two of sugar, however, other children became interested in what Noreen had in her bowl and wanted some too. Over time this meant that mum had to bring two bowls of lettuce to the beach and any children Noreen had been playing with, were all gathered round saying “Hilda can I have some lettuce”.
Another memory Noreen recalls is she never liked to have dirty hands (still doesn’t). Noreen would often stop playing to nip indoors to wash her hands which would stop mum getting on with whatever job she was doing.  Mum came up with the idea to leave a damp flannel on the doorstep for Noreen to wipe her hands as and when she wanted but this was not for her sister who always had dirty hands.   
I love you and will miss you mum.